
Point Grey Research Chameleon3 CM3-U3-31S4C

Version: FW:v1.10.3.00 FPGA:v2.02


AccessPrivilegeAvailable : bool
Set if Heartbeat/Access Privilege is available.

AcquisitionFrameCount : int
Number of frames to acquire in multi-frame acquisition mode.

AcquisitionFrameRate : float
Controls the acquisition rate (in Hertz) at which the frames are captured.

AcquisitionFrameRateAuto : enum
Controls the mode for automatic frame rate adjustment.

AcquisitionFrameRateEnabled : bool
Enables manual control of the camera frame rate.

AcquisitionMode : enum
Sets the acquisition mode of the device.

AcquisitionStatus : bool
Reads the state of the internal acquisition signal selected using AcquisitionStatusSelector.

AcquisitionStatusSelector : enum
Selects the internal acquisition signal to read using AcquisitionStatus.

ActivePageNumber : int
Control the number of the active data flash page.

ActivePageOffset : int
Control the offset of the coefficient to access in the active data flash page.

ActivePageValue : int
Returns the value at entry ActivePageOffset of the active data flash page.

AutoExposureTimeLowerLimit : float
Lower limit of the Auto Exposure (us) parameter

AutoExposureTimeUpperLimit : float
Upper limit of the Auto Exposure (us) parameter

AutoFunctionAOIHeight : int
Height of the auto function area of interest in pixels.

AutoFunctionAOIOffsetX : int
Vertical offset from the origin to the auto function area of interest in pixels.

AutoFunctionAOIOffsetY : int
Horizontal offset from the origin to the auto function area of interest in pixels.

AutoFunctionAOIWidth : int
Width of the auto function area of interest in pixels.

AutoFunctionAOIsControl : enum
ON or OFF for the feature of the Auto Function AOIs.

AutoGainLowerLimit : float
Lower limit of the Auto Gain (dB) parameter

AutoGainUpperLimit : float
Upper limit of the Auto Gain (dB) parameter

BalanceRatio : float
This value sets the selected balance ratio control as an integer.

BalanceRatioSelector : enum
Selects a balance ratio to configure. Once a balance ratio control has been selected.

BalanceWhiteAuto : enum
Balance White Auto is the ‘automatic’ counterpart of the manual white balance feature.

BinningHorizontal : int
Number of horizontal pixels to combine together.

BinningHorizontalLocked : int

BinningVertical : int
Number of vertical pixels to combine together.

BlackLevel : float
Analog black level in percent.

CamRegBaseAddress : int

ChunkBlackLevel : float
Returns the black level used to capture the image.

ChunkCRC : int
Returns the CRC of the image payload.

ChunkEnable : bool
Enables the inclusion of the selected Chunk data in the payload of the image.

ChunkExposureTime : float
Returns the exposure time used to capture the image.

ChunkFrameCounter : int
Returns the image count.

ChunkGain : float
Returns the gain used to capture the image.

ChunkHeight : int
Returns the height of the image.

ChunkModeActive : bool
Activates the inclusion of Chunk data in the payload of the image

ChunkOffsetX : int
Returns the Offset X of the image included in the payload.

ChunkOffsetY : int
Returns the Offset Y of the image included in the payload.

ChunkPixelDynamicRangeMax : int
Returns the Maximum range of the pixel

ChunkPixelDynamicRangeMin : int
Returns the Minimum range of the pixel

ChunkPixelFormat : enum
This enumeration lists the pixel formats that can be indicated by the pixel format chunk.

ChunkSelector : enum
Selects which chunk data to enable or control

ChunkTimestamp : int
Returns the Timestamp of the image.

ChunkWidth : int
Returns the width of the image.

DataFlashBaseAddress : int

DataFlashPageCount : int
Number of the data flash pages.

DataFlashPageSize : int
Size of the data flash page.

DecimationHorizontal : int
Horizontal sub-sampling of the image. This reduces the horizontal resolution (width) of the image by the specified horizontal decimation factor. A value of 1 indicates that the camera performs no horizontal decimation.

DecimationHorizontalLocked : int

DecimationVertical : int
Vertical sub-sampling of the image. This reduces the vertical resolution (height) of the image by the specified vertical decimation factor. A value of 1 indicates that the camera performs no vertical decimation.

DeviceFamilyName : string
Family name of the device.

DeviceFirmwareVersion : string
Version of the firmware in the device.

DeviceGenCPVersionMinor : int
Minor version of the GenCP protocol supported by the device.

DeviceGenCpVersionMajor : int
Major version of the GenCP protocol supported by the device.

DeviceID : string
Device identifier (serial number).

DeviceLinkThroughputLimit : int
Limits the maximum bandwidth of data that will be streamed out by the device.

DeviceMaxThroughput : int
Maximum bandwidth of the data that can be streamed out of the device.

DeviceModelName : string
Model name of the device.

DeviceSVNVersion : string
SVN Version of the device.

DeviceScanType : enum
Scan type of the sensor.

DeviceSerialNumber : string
Device serial number. This string is a unique identifier of the device.

DeviceTemperature : float
Device temperature in degrees Celcius (C).

DeviceUserID : string
User Defined Name.

DeviceVendorName : string
Name of the manufacturer of the device.

DeviceVersion : string
Version of the device.

EndianessRegistersSupported : bool
Set if the device supports the Protocol Endianess and Implementation Endianess registers.

EventAcquisitionEnd : int
Returns the unique identifier of the AcquisitionEnd type of Event.

EventAcquisitionEndFrameID : int
Returns the unique Identifier of the Frame (or image) that generated the AcquisitionEnd Event.

EventAcquisitionEndTimestamp : int
Returns the Timestamp of the AcquisitionEnd Event.

EventAcquisitionStart : int
Returns the unique identifier of the AcquisitionStart type of Event.

EventAcquisitionStartFrameID : int
Returns the unique Identifier of the Frame (or image) that generated the AcquisitionStart Event.

EventAcquisitionStartTimestamp : int
Returns the Timestamp of the AcquisitionStart Event.

EventExposureEnd : int
Returns the unique identifier of the ExposureEnd type of Event.

EventExposureEndFrameID : int
Returns the unique Identifier of the Frame (or image) that generated the ExposureEnd Event.

EventExposureEndTimestamp : int
Returns the Timestamp of the ExposureEnd Event.

EventExposureStart : int
Returns the unique identifier of the ExposureStart type of Event.

EventExposureStartFrameID : int
Returns the unique Identifier of the Frame (or image) that generated the ExposureStart Event.

EventExposureStartTimestamp : int
Returns the Timestamp of the ExposureStart Event.

EventNotification : enum
Enables/Disables event.

EventSelector : enum
Selects which Event to enable or control

EventTest : int
Returns the unique identifier of the ExposureEnd type of Event.

EventTestFrameID : int
Returns the unique Identifier of the Frame (or image) that generated the Test Event.

EventTestTimestamp : int
Returns the Timestamp of the ExposureEnd Event.

ExposureAuto : enum
Sets the automatic exposure mode when Exposure Mode is Timed.

ExposureMode : enum
Sets the operation mode of the Exposure (or shutter).

ExposureTime : float
Exposure time in microseconds when Exposure Mode is Timed and ExposureAuto is Off.

ExposureTimeAbs : float
Exposure time in microseconds when Exposure Mode is Timed and ExposureAuto is Off.

FamilyRegisterAvailable : bool
Set if the device supports the Family Name register.

Fmt7RegBaseAddress : int

GPIOCtrlPinRegBaseAddress : int

Gain : float
Gain applied to the image in dB.

GainAuto : enum
Sets the automatic gain control (AGC) mode.

GainSelector : enum
Selects which Gain is controlled by the various Gain features.

Gamma : float
Controls the gamma correction of pixel intensity.

GammaEnabled : bool
Enables/disables gamma correction.

Height : int
Height of the image provided by the device (in pixels).

HeightMax : int
Maximum height of the image (in pixels).

Hue : float
Hue of the image in degrees.

HueEnabled : bool
Enables/disables hue adjustment.

LUTEnable : bool
Activates the selected LUT.

LUTIndex : int
Control the index (offset) of the coefficient to access in the selected LUT.

LUTRegBankBaseAddress : int

LUTRegBaseAddress : int

LUTRegChannelBaseAddress : int

LUTSelector : enum
This enumeration the lookup table (LUT) to configure. Once a LUT has been selected, all changes to the LUT settings will be applied to the selected LUT.

LUTValue : int
Returns the Value at entry LUTIndex of the LUT selected by LUTSelector.

LineDebouncerTimeRaw : int
Sets the raw value of the selected line debouncer time in microseconds.

LineInverter : bool
Controls the inversion of the signal of the selected input or output line.

LineMode : enum
Controls whether the physical Line is used to Input or Output a signal.

LineSelector : enum
Selects the physical line (or pin) of the external device connector to configure.

LineSource : enum
Selects which internal acquisition or I/O source signal to output on the selected line.

LineStatus : bool
Returns the current status of the selected input or output Line.

LineStatusAll : int
Returns the current status of all available Line signals at time of polling in a single bitfield.

MessageChannelSupported : bool
Set if the device supports a Message Channel.

OffsetX : int
Vertical offset from the origin to the AOI (in pixels).

OffsetY : int
Horizontal offset from the origin to the AOI (in pixels).

ParameterSelector : enum
Selects which parameter whose limit will be removed.

PayloadSize : int
Number of bytes transferred for each image or chunk on the stream channel.

PixelCoding : enum
Coding of the pixels in the image.

PixelColorFilter : enum
Type of color filter that is applied to the image.

PixelDefectCoordinateRegAddress : int

PixelDynamicRangeMax : int
Indicates the maximum pixel value transferred from the camera.

PixelDynamicRangeMin : int
Indicates the minimum pixel value transferred from the camera.

PixelFormat : enum
Format of the pixel data.

PixelSize : enum
Size of a pixel in bits.

RemoveLimits : bool
Specifies whether or not the parameter limit is removed.

ReverseX : bool
Flip horizontally the image sent by the device. The AOI is applied after the flip.

SBRMOffset : int

SBRMSupported : bool
Set if the device supports a SBRM.

Saturation : float
Saturation of the image in percent.

SaturationAuto : enum
Controls the mode for automatic saturation adjustment.

SaturationEnabled : bool
Enables/disables saturation adjustment.

SensorHeight : int
Effective height of the sensor in pixels.

SensorWidth : int
Effective width of the sensor in pixels.

Sharpness : int
Sharpness of the image.

SharpnessAuto : enum
Controls the mode for automatic sharpness adjustment.

SharpnessEnabled : bool
Enables/disables sharpness adjustment.

SingleFrameAcquisitionMode : enum
Selects type of single acquisition mode

StringEncoding : int
String Encoding of the BRM.

StrobeDelay : float
Sets the duration (in microseconds) of the delay before starting the Strobe Signal.

StrobeDuration : float
Sets the duration (in microseconds) of the Strobe Signal.

StrobeLineCnt16Address : int

StrobeLineCntCtrlAddress : int

StrobeRegBaseAddress : int

TLParamsLocked : int

TestImageSelector : enum
Selects the type of test image that is sent by the camera.

TestPattern : enum
Selects the type of test pattern that is generated by the device as image source.

TestPendingAck : int
Test PENDING_ACK feature.

Timestamp : int
Reports the current value of the device timestamp counter (ns).

TimestampIncrement : int
Indicates the timestamp increment in ns/tick.

TimestampSupported : bool
Set if the device supports a timestamp register.

TransmitFailureCount : int
Number of failed frame transmissions that have occurred since the last reset.

TriggerActivation : enum
Specifies the activation mode of the trigger.

TriggerDelay : float
Specifies the delay (in microseconds) to apply after the trigger reception before activating it.

TriggerDelayEnabled : bool
Specifies whether or not the Trigger Delay is enabled.

TriggerMode : enum
Controls whether or not the selected trigger is active.

TriggerOverlap : enum
Specifies the type trigger overlap permitted with the previous frame.

TriggerSelector : enum
Selects the type of trigger to configure.

TriggerSource : enum
Specifies the internal signal or physical input line to use as the trigger source. The selected trigger must have its TriggerMode set to On.

U3VAccessPrivilege : int
Access Privilege.

U3VCPCapability : int
Indicates additional features on the control channel.

U3VCPCapabilityHigh : int
Indicates additional features on the control channel.

U3VCPCapabilityLow : int
Indicates additional features on the control channel.

U3VCPConfigurationHigh : int
Configure additional features on the control channel.

U3VCPConfigurationLow : int
Configures additional features on the control channel.

U3VCPEIRMAvailable : bool
Set if the device supports at least one device event interface.

U3VCPIIDC2Available : bool
Set if the device supports IIDC2 register map.

U3VCPSIRMAvailable : bool
Set if the device supports at least one device streaming interface.

U3VCurrentSpeed : enum
Specifies the current speed of the USB link.

U3VDeviceConfigurationHigh : int
Describes Device Configuration.

U3VDeviceConfigurationLow : int
Describes Device Configuration.

U3VMaxAcknowledgeTransferLength : int
Specifies the max suuported ack transfer length of the device.

U3VMaxCommandTransferLength : int
Specifies the max suuported command transfer length of the device.

U3VMaxDeviceResponseTime : int
Max Resonse Time in ms.

U3VMessageChannelID : int
Channel ID Used For The Message Channel.

U3VNumberOfStreamChannels : int
Number of Stream Channels and its Corresponding Streaming Interface Register Maps.

U3VVersionMajor : int
U3V Version.

U3VVersionMinor : int
U3V Version.

USB3LinkRecoveryCount : int
USB3 Link Recovery Count.

UserDefinedValue : int
User defined value.

UserDefinedValueSelector : enum
Used to select from a set of user defined values

UserNameAvailable : bool
Set if User Defined Name available.

UserOutputPinRegBaseAddress : int

UserOutputSelector : enum
Selects the physical line (or pin) of the external device connector to configure.

UserOutputValue : bool
Sets the value of the bit to be output to the selected line.

UserSetCurrent : int
Indicates the user set that is currently in use. At initialization time, the camera loads the most recently saved user set.

UserSetDefault : enum
Selects the feature User Set to load and make active by default when the device is reset.

UserSetDefaultSelector : enum
Selects the feature User Set to load, save or configure.

UserSetSelector : enum
Selects the feature User Set to load, save or configure.

VideoMode : enum
Current video mode.

Width : int
Width of the image provided by the device (in pixels).

WidthMax : int
Maximum width of the image (in pixels).

WrittenLengthFieldSupported : bool
Set to 1 if the device sends the length_written field in the SCD section of the WriteMemAck command.

pgrAutoExposureCompensationLowerLimit : float
Lower limit of the auto exposure compensation value(EV) parameter

pgrAutoExposureCompensationUpperLimit : float
Upper limit of the auto exposure compensation value(EV) parameter

pgrCurrentCorrectedPixelCount : int
Current number of pixels that are being corrected.

pgrCurrentCorrectedPixelIndex : int
Control the index of the defected pixels to be corrected.

pgrCurrentCorrectedPixelOffsetX : int
Control the X offset of the defect pixel specified by the index.

pgrCurrentCorrectedPixelOffsetY : int
Control the Y offset of the defect pixel specified by the index.

pgrDefectPixelCorrectionEnable : bool
Enable or disable pixel correction.

pgrDefectPixelCorrectionTestMode : enum
Controls whether or not the defect pixel correction test mode is active.

pgrDefectPixelCorrectionType : enum
Specifies the current defect pixel correction type.

pgrDeviceUptime : int
Time since the device was powered up.

pgrExposureCompensation : float
The measured or target image plane illuminance in EV.

pgrExposureCompensationAuto : enum
Sets the automatic exposure compensation value mode.

pgrHDRImageSelector : enum
Selects the HDR image.

pgrHDRModeEnabled : bool
Specifies whether or not the High Dynamic Range mode is enabled.

pgrSensorDescription : string
Description of the sensor of the device.


Note: the camera recording should be started/stopped using the start and stop methods, not any of the functions below (see easy_pyspin documentation).

Starts the Acquisition of the device.

Stops the acquisition of the device at the end of the current frame.

Save the data in the active page to the data flash.

This is a command that immediately resets and reboots the device.

Latches the curretn device time into the timstamp register.

Reset the transmit failure count.

This command sends a test event.

Generates an internal trigger if Trigger Source is set to Software.

Loads the User Set specified by UserSetSelector to the device and makes it active.

Save the User Set specified by UserSetSelector to the non-volatile memory of the device.

Save the Current Corrected Pixels to the non-volatile memory of the device.