
Module simple_pyspin


Return a list of Spinnaker cameras. Also initializes the PySpin System, if needed. (See PySpin documentation for more info.)


Camera(index=0, lock=True)
A class used to encapsulate a PySpin camera.


cam : PySpin Camera running : bool True if acquiring images camera_attributes : dictionary Contains links to all of the camera nodes which are settable attributes. camera_methods : dictionary Contains links to all of the camera nodes which are executable functions. camera_node_types : dictionary Contains the type (as a string) of each camera node. lock : bool If True, attribute access is locked down; after the camera is initialized, attempts to set new attributes will raise an error. This is to prevent setting misspelled attributes, which would otherwise silently fail to acheive their intended goal. intialized : bool If True, init() has been called.

In addition, many more virtual attributes are created to allow access to the camera properties. A list of available names can be found as the keys of camera_attributes dictionary, and a documentation file for a specific camera can be genereated with the document method.


init() Initializes the camera. Automatically called if the camera is opened using a with clause. close() Closes the camera and cleans up. Automatically called if the camera is opening using a with clause. start() Start recording images. stop() Stop recording images. get_image() Return an image using PySpin’s internal format. get_array() Return an image as a Numpy array. get_info(node) Return info about a camera node (an attribute or method). document() Create a Markdown documentation file with info about all camera attributes and methods.


index : int or str (default: 0) If an int, the index of the camera to acquire. If a string, the serial number of the camera. lock : bool (default: True) If True, setting new attributes after initialization results in an error.


Closes the camera and cleans up. Automatically called if the camera is opening using a with clause.
Creates a MarkDown documentation string for the camera.
get_array(self, wait=True, get_chunk=False)
Get an image from the camera, and convert it to a numpy array.


wait : bool (default: True) If True, waits for the next image. Otherwise throws an exception if there isn’t one ready. get_chunk : bool (default: False) If True, returns chunk data from image frame.


img : Numpy array chunk : PySpin (only if get_chunk == True)

get_image(self, wait=True)
Get an image from the camera.


wait : bool (default: True) If True, waits for the next image. Otherwise throws an exception if there isn’t one ready.


img : PySpin Image

get_info(self, name)
Gen information on a camera node (attribute or method).


name : string The name of the desired node


info : dict A dictionary of retrieved properties. Possible keys include: - 'access': read/write access of node. - 'description': description of node. - 'value': the current value. - 'unit': the unit of the value (as a string). - 'min' and 'max': the min/max value.

Initializes the camera. Automatically called if the camera is opened using a with clause.
Start recording images.
Stop recording images.
CameraError(*args, **kwargs)
Common base class for all non-exit exceptions.

Ancestors (in MRO)

  • builtins.Exception
  • builtins.BaseException